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Welcoming Advancement of Doggett Bill to Ensure Full Protection for Rare Vaccine Injuries

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September 15, 2022

Contact: Kate Stotesbery(link sends email)


Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Lloyd Doggett (D-TX), Chair of the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee, released the following statement regarding the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee’s markup yesterday(link is external) and approval of, HR 3655, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Modernization Act.

“Finally, some action to reduce the two-year delay those with vaccine injuries have faced in receiving compensation,” said Congressman Doggett. “By getting immunized, these individuals helped to protect public health, but they represent the one in a million who suffer injuries—most of which are caused by an error in vaccine administration. Since the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has not been significantly updated for 36 years, the process for adding new vaccines, including adult-only vaccines, should be streamlined. The period during which claims can be filed should be extended, and the amount of compensation for which the injured can qualify should be increased. This late in the session, it was essential to have Republican support to reduce the backlog, and some were unwilling to include all of the needed reforms.”

“Though misinformation spreads and anti-vaxxers continue to fearmonger, vaccine-related injuries are extremely rare,” he continued. “Providing complete information and assuring a prompt and fair response to any lasting injury represents an effective way of addressing vaccine hesitancy.”

The Energy & Commerce Health Subcommittee unanimously approved portions of the Vaccine Injury Compensation Modernization Act that would:

  1. Reduce case backlog by expanding the number of Special Masters (judges for the VICP) from a ceiling of 8 to a floor of 10.
  2. Increase transparency by requiring the Special Masters to provide an annual report on caseload, number of pending cases and whether hearings have been scheduled, how many days it took for cases to receive a judgment, how many cases received a judgment and the results, and any recommendations regarding the need for more Special Masters.


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