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Austin American-Statement: Opinion: Doggett: Our focus must be on public health, not Trump’s political health

March 2, 2020

Last Tuesday, Dr. Nancy Messonnier, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) medical specialist responsible for respiratory diseases, told the unsettling truth about the coronavirus: "We will see community spread in this's not so much a question of if this will happen, but rather... exactly when this will happen....Disruption to everyday life may be severe."

The stock market went down. President Trump's anger went up.

Concerned for his political health, his rushed press conference downplayed the danger and, as usual, blamed everyone but himself. Though not arrested like the Wuhan truth-teller, Dr. Li Wenliang, Dr. Messonnier was excluded. Instead of entrusting this challenge to a respected medical leader, Trump placed control over all related communications with yes-man Mike Pence, whose own public health record is tarnished by his mishandling of an Indiana HIV outbreak.

As Trump ranted, the first California case of "community spread" was announced. With the source of that individual's illness unidentified and lacking broad testing, we lack information about transmission and how many others may already be infected.

It is that uncertainty which has caused so many to panic. A lack of trust in Trump's response is well justified. He has mangled our public health system—firing an entire pandemic response team. Even recently, as the virus was sickening thousands abroad, Trump proposed cutting the CDC budget.

I became involved after his administration, with no real warning, placed evacuated Americans at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, much of which I represent. During the last month, nobody in Texas—nor in most states—could even complete the lab testing to diagnose coronavirus. A woman who I helped to evacuate from Wuhan with her toddler reported unsafe conditions at her California quarantine site. Yet my inquiries were met only by evasion. My subsequent Ways and Means Committee questioning of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar did not provide reassuring answers on the administration's readiness or reimbursement of localities.

Amazingly, last week while Americans scrambled for face masks, the Trump administration was recommending exporting them and other essential medical equipment to China. As late as Friday evening, Trump was calling it all a "new hoax."

Unlike Trump, our families need not panic. While no new vaccine nor super cure will be available this year, existing supportive medical care can help. For most this virus is not life-threatening. While it won't prevent coronavirus, ensuring you have a flu shot prevents weakening from illness. Offering little personal protection, ordinary face masks do protect others from your germs. Thorough handwashing and staying home when ill are essential.

To prepare for the isolation during any future outbreak, ensure a sufficient supply of needed prescriptions and food; evaluate childcare and eldercare options. And employers can develop backup telework plans. A checklist of helpful measures is available at If you believe you have coronavirus symptoms, call your health care provider for advice first before appearing in a way that could expose others.

Much of the belated administration coronavirus response was funded by taking money away from other public health efforts like combatting Ebola and opioid disorder. Since COVID-19 will not be our last pandemic threat, we need comprehensive preparation, not last minute disease-by-disease rescue efforts. Severe public health infrastructure cuts have weakened our capacity to respond. Thursday, the House will approve robust, emergency legislation to ensure our communities have the resources and federal backup to keep our families safe.

More action is vital. Multiple Trump administration failures amid this looming pandemic remind us that we cannot isolate ourselves from the rest of the world, but neither should we remain so overly dependent upon foreign-sourced pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

Let's hope this crisis will fizzle out, but let's prepare if it doesn't. Our focus must be solely on public health, not Trump's political health. Let's ignore his whining and indifference. Each day will bring new reports, some alarming, some reassuring.

I am meeting with local leaders engaged with healthcare, education, congregate living and seniors. They are working diligently to plan and protect us. Together, we will continue pushing this administration to provide the backup essential to put our families' safety first.

Doggett represents U.S. House District 35, which includes part of Austin.