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Coronavirus (COVID-19)


Austin and Travis County: Please visit is external) for up-to-date information regarding vaccines in Travis County.

CVS Pharmacy has begun distributing the vaccine in Central Texas. The vaccine is free and is available to all who are eligible. To schedule an appointment with CVS, visit: is external)

To find comprehensive vaccination information for the United States visit is external).

Federal Information

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

For current information regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19), please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC)(link is external) website.

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

For current information on coronavirus tax relief, please visit the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS)(link is external) website.

Travel Advisory Information

For travel advisory information, visit the U.S. Department of State's(link is external) website.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

For veterans seeking public health information related to the coronavirus, visit the Veterans Affairs (VA)(link is external) website.

U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)

For current information about government assistance programs for small businesses affected by the coronavirus, visit the Small Business Administration's (SBA)(link is external) website. Please be aware that the SBA is unable to accept new applications for COVID-19 relief loans or grants. They continue to offer PPP loan forgiveness.

CARES Act Guidance

The IRS has issued all first, second and third Economic Impact Payments. Most eligible people already received their Economic Impact Payments. Securely access your IRS online account to view the total of your first, second and third Economic Impact Payment amounts under the Tax Records page.

New applications for COVID-19 relief programs or grants are closed, but PPP loan forgiveness and EIDL increases continue. Click here(link is external) for more information.

The Federal Government's Disaster Distress Hotline can be reached via telephone call at:  1 (800) 985-5990 or by texting 'TalkWithUs' to 66746.

Texas Information

For current information from the State of Texas, visit is external).

Current information for parents and child care providers impacted by the coronavirus can be found on the Texas Association for the Education of Young Children (TXAEYC) (link is external)website.

Local Information


For current information about the coronavirus, including current testing sites, visit the Austin Public Health(link is external) website. The website includes information on testing as well as educational print materials in multiple languages. Additional community resources can be found on the City of Austin's(link is external) website.

Para información sobre COVID-19 haga clic aquí(link is external).

​The Central Texas Food Bank’s social services team is continuing to assist clients with applying for SNAP (along with Medicaid, TANF, Healthy Texas Women, Medicare Savings Program, CHIP and CHIP Perinatal). Offices are located at 6500 Metropolis Drive, Austin, Texas 78744. 

For information about health care services during COVID-19, visit Integral Care's(link is external) website and contact their 24/7 helpline at (512) 472-4357.

The City of Austin created a one-stop site with resources to help those affected by or requesting more information on the pandemic. Visit ATX Recovers (link is external)to see more.

Travis County

Travis County has an updated website with all Covid-19 protocols, as well as a virtual surveillance board with FAQ's concerning Travis County's response to Covid-19. Please visit is external).

Health Coverage

Foundation Communities(link is external) at sends email) or (512) 381-4520.

Call Central Health's(link is external) Eligibility Hotline at (512) 978-8130 for information on the Medical Assistance Program (MAP) or MAP-Basic for those with no health insurance and/or change in healthcare coverage status.

Click here(link is external) to learn whether you qualify for Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

Haga clic aquí(link is external) para saber si califica para medicaid o el programa de seguro de salud para niños (CHIP).

Resources for Seniors

For current information regarding the coronavirus for seniors and people at higher risk, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC)(link is external) website.

For additional resources regarding coronavirus from leading seniors groups, visit their websites here:

AGE of Central Texas Resources(link is external) has a library of at-home activities, videos, virtual tours and webcams for seniors who are staying at home. Additionally, they have resources to help family caregivers during this trying time.

Additional Resources

My Guest Editorials

You can read my guest editorials on this public health crisis, by clicking on the text below:

August 20, 2020 Austin American-Statesman: Doggett: Safeguarding the post box and the ballot box(link is external)

April 23, 2020 USA Today: The corrupt tax provision in the CARES Act(link is external)

April 2, 2020 San Antonio Express News: Trump fails the COVID-19 response test(link is external)

April 1, 2020 Austin American-Statesman: This tragedy was largely preventable or could have at least been greatly reduced(link is external)

March 2, 2020 Austin American-Statesman: Our focus must be on public health, not Trump's political health(link is external)

February 29, 2020 San Antonio Express-News: Supporting San Antonio on the front lines of coronavirus(link is external)

Oversight Actions

March 15, 2021 letter to CMS regarding Texas bonus payments to nursing homes during COVID-19(link is external)

January 29, 2020 letter urging the Administration to allocate vaccine doses directly to large cities and counties(link is external)

December 28, 2020 letter to Zoom on assuring equal access to consumers with disabilities(link is external)

November 6, 2020 letter to HHS regarding COVID-19 hospital data(link is external)

October 30, 2020 letter to CMS regarding reinstatement of nursing home staff training(link is external)

September 4, 2020 letter to HHS concerning political pressure on vaccine development and approval timeline

August 27, 2020letter to the CDC regarding testing guidance(link is external)

August 20, 2020 letter concerning taxpayer investments in Moderna vaccine

August 19, 2020 letter demanding the Postal Service Board of Governors remove Postmaster General DeJoy for all the damage he has done to the Postal Service(link is external)

August 12, 2020 letter to Postmaster General DeJoy to Reverse Assault on Postal Service(link is external)

August 6, 2020 letter to Vice President Pence regarding the Administration's COVID-19 vaccine plan(link is external)

July 7, 2020 letter to CMS regarding COVID-19 nursing home data

July 2, 2020 letter to CMS on increasing safety in long-term care facilities using available civil monetary penalty reinvestment funds

June 16, 2020 letter to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to delay nuclear waste transport contract until COVID-19 risks are resolved

May 29, 2020 letter to HHS on mishandling of Provider Relief Fund

May 27, 2020 follow-up letter to USDA regarding ongoing concerns with inhumane animal depopulation methods

May 20, 2020 letter to the Federal Reserve demanding accountability in corporate bailouts

May 13, 2020 letter to HHS regarding remdesivir clinical trial data and distribution plan

May 4, 2020 letter to USDA requesting the prohibition of certain inhumane animal depopulation methods

May 4, 2020 letter to Gilead CEO regarding supply chain and pricing plan for remdesivir

April 30, 2020 letter to Secretary Azar regarding taxpayer R&D investments in remdesivir

April 29, 2020 letter to FDA regarding accuracy of antibody tests.

April 28, 2020 letter to Governor Abbott urging the Texas Workforce Commission to remove unemployment verification burden delaying unemployment benefits

April 23, 2020 letter to Department of Education regarding financial aid assistance for college students impacted by COVID-19

April 22, 2020 letter Urging Senate Republicans to Stop Blocking Dream and Promise Act, Protect Dreamers in Pandemic

April 21, 2020 letter to leadership regarding the protection of Medicaid during the crisis

April 9, 2020 letter to FDA regarding accuracy of COVID-19 tests

April 9, 2020 letter to Trump Administration on massive tax giveaways slipped into COVID relief bill

April 1, 2020 letter to Treasury and IRS urging that rebates to seniors be made automatic

March 21, 2020 letter to leadership urging temporary removal of 2-year Medicare waiting period for individuals receiving SSDI

March 20, 2020 letter to Governor Greg Abbott regarding COVID-19 testing for the uninsured

March 17, 2020 letter to President Trump regarding marshalling Defense Department resources for Coronavirus fight​

March 13, 2020 letter to HHS Secretary Azar regarding establishing a Special Enrollment Period.

March 6, 2020 letter to HHS Secretary Azar regarding test kits

March 6, 2020 letter to FDA Commissioner Hahn regarding test kits

March 2, 2020 letter to Commerce Secretary Ross regarding needed medical supplies being exported​

March 2, 2020 letter to Chairman Frank Pallone calling for E&C oversight investigation

February 20, 2020 letter to President Trump regarding vaccine affordability

February 13, 2020 letter to HHS Secretary Alex Azar regarding Lackland AFB concerns

Should you need assistance, you can contact my Austin office at (512) 916-5923, or send me an email.