Doggett Reacts to Alarming Dr. Bright Whistleblower Complaint
***Press Release***

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 5, 2020 | Contact: Kate Stotesbery 202-494-4620 (Cell) |
Doggett Reacts to Alarming Dr. Bright Whistleblower Complaint
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Lloyd Doggett (D-TX), Chairman of the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee, issued the following statement in reaction to Dr. Rick Bright's whistleblower complaint:
"With millions of lives and billions of taxpayer dollars at stake in the search for a vaccine and treatments, this shocking complaint from a previously trusted official responsible for vaccine development raises alarming new evidence about medicine and science being trumped by politics and cronyism. The Administration suffocated yet another expert voice sounding the alert in January about an America unprepared for an attack. We cannot overcome this virus if Trump keeps scientists and doctors muzzled. At the same time that Dr. Bright and others were seeking more masks, the Trump Administration was still encouraging their export to China. Though never accepting responsibility for any shortcoming, Trump's leadership is measured daily by the mounting death toll."
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