Doggett & Castro Release Joint Statement Urging Pentagon to Permit BAMC to Treat COVID-19 Patients
***For Immediate Release***

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 9, 2020 | Contact: Kate Stotesbery 202-225-4865 |
Doggett & Castro Release Joint Statement Urging Pentagon to Permit BAMC to Treat COVID-19 Patients
Washington, D.C. – As cases surge and local hospitals near capacity, U.S. Representative Lloyd Doggett (D-San Antonio) joined with U.S. Representative Joaquin Castro (D-San Antonio) to release the following statement:
"Military City U.S.A. has always stepped up to assist fellow Americans. Now the frontlines are right here. We are urging the Pentagon to permit San Antonians in uniform to serve their own neighbors. We join our local and regional leaders in strongly urging the Department of Defense to swiftly allow Brooke Army Medical Center to treat COVID-19 patients, as our other hospitals dangerously approach capacity.
In March, BAMC personnel were dispatched to New York City to aid COVID efforts there, and right now the need is here. BAMC is a world-class care center, yet their hands are tied from performing live-saving work. Defense Secretary Esper should promptly approve our request to save San Antonian lives."
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