Congressman Doggett Named Chairman of Ways & Means Health Subcommittee
***Press Release***

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 17, 2019 | Contact: Kate Stotesbery 202-225-4865 |
Congressman Doggett Named Chairman of Ways & Means Health Subcommittee
Washington, D.C. — Congressman Lloyd Doggett was named Chairman of the Health Subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee, the oldest committee of the United States Congress. In addition, he will serve on the Select Revenue Measures Subcommittee (formerly Tax) and was named to serve on the House Budget Committee. He released the following statement:
"As Chair, I will put patients first, working to lower Big Pharma monopoly prices, cut out-of-pocket costs, and reverse Republican sabotage of our healthcare system. This includes giving Medicare the power to negotiate drug prices on behalf of seniors, ending surprise medical bills, and protecting the crucial access to care for the millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions. I hope that President Trump will follow the advice of Candidate Trump to find common ground with us, reject the advice of the Big Pharma executives he appointed to control his agenda, and deliver a real victory for the American people.
We can finally break new ground on healthcare solutions for American families—not just those tailor-made for Big Pharma or corporate interests. This chairmanship allows me to elevate the experiences and disparities in healthcare that our community faces every day. Additionally, my continued work on the Select Revenue Measures Subcommittee of Ways and Means allows me to keep working on tax fairness issues; a new appointment to the Budget Committee offers an opportunity to advocate for wise spending and to pursue much-needed oversight over the Trump Administration."