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Texas Public Radio The Source: Use Of Telemedicine Skyrocketed During The Pandemic, But Will It Last?

May 3, 2021

TUESDAY on "The Source" — The use of telecommunication technology for health care — known as telemedicine — has steadily grown over the past decade and its adoption skyrocketed during the COVID-19 crisis, but its post-pandemic future remains in question.

How has this technology and the willingness to adopt it evolved, and how were these services expanded during the pandemic? Are these changes here to stay?

What are the biggest opportunities and challenges related to telemedicine? Who stands to benefit most from its availability? What are the potential implications for overall population health and outcomes, and patient costs? Are there any downsides and if so, are they solvable?

Is telehealth a sustainable business model? Are physicians, insurance companies and regulators on board?

What's next for telehealth in the U.S. and in Texas? What discussions are being had and what kind of legislation is being considered at the federal and state (link is external)levels, and what more is needed?
