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Dallas Morning News: For out of work Texans, the waived job search requirement could be making a comeback

May 7, 2020

Texans collecting unemployment pay could soon be required to search for a new job, a move labor advocates fear will slow the state's already struggling system and force some recipients to lose benefits.

State lawmakers say the mandatory search requirement, waived by the Texas Workforce Commission at the outset of the COVID-19 shutdown, could come back as soon as Gov. Greg Abbott begins the second phase of his plan to reopen Texas. Abbott has said that could be as soon as May 18.

According to lawmakers, TWC executive director Ed Serna told them on Wednesday that Texans receiving unemployment should expect the requirement to return once businesses are allowed to open up at 50% capacity.

TWC spokesman Cisco Gamez said Thursday that no firm date has been set, characterizing the requirement's reinstatement as a proposal that would require approval from the state agency's commissioners. He said Texans would be given at least two weeks notice of any such changes.

"At some point, it will come back into effect," Gamez said. "[Wednesday] was just a starting point."

State Rep. Erin Zwiener, D-Driftwood, said Serna discussed the work search requirement in the context of people "inappropriately staying on" unemployment. Texans receive a minimum of $207 a week from the state in unemployment pay, and an additional $600 a week from the federal government as part of the CARES Act stimulus package.

Gamez said the added $600 that makes unemployment attractive to workers "is there to help them" and isn't "meant as a long-term replacement for work."

"In order to sustain their lifestyle…, they may want to look for employment," he said.

Zwiener said she's concerned the conversation doesn't reflect the realities of people who lost their jobs. On top of their wages, she said, many out-of-work Texans have also lost employer-based health insurance and now have to rely on more costly plans.

She also thinks bringing back the requirement could negatively impact self-employed and gig economy workers who are temporarily allowed to receive unemployment benefits. She wondered if self-employed workers would be forced by the requirement to take lower paying jobs.

"I want to make sure that people who in good faith are trying to rebuild a business aren't strong-armed into accepting another type of job," she said. "I think there are questions about what suitable work is going to mean as they reinstitute that work requirement."

Self-employed and gig workers who are unable to return to work are eligible for unemployment pay until December, according to TWC.

In March, Abbott waived the work search provision(link is external), which required proof that those collecting unemployment were actively searching for a job. Abbott also waived a "waiting week" provision that withheld a week of pay until after the unemployed person found a new job or hit their benefits maximum.

In the two months since then, more than 2.1 million Texans have applied for jobless pay. The state's unemployment rate climbed to 4.7% in March, but economists expect it could reach as high as 12% in April. On Friday, the federal government will release April's job report, which is expected to be the worst since the U.S. began keeping records after World War II.

With unemployment claims continuing to grow, labor advocates question why the state would bring back the requirement when TWC's systems can't keep up with the current pace of claims.

"There's a flawed logic that there needs to be an incentive to go back to work. In normal times that is important," said Jonathan Lewis, a senior policy analyst at the left-leaning Center for Public Policy Priorities. "But we're not talking about 50% of jobs being available. What the governor has ordered is businesses being able to open at 50% capacity. That doesn't even mean they'll open because that might not even be financially feasible for them."

Other states have already waived additional requirements as they struggle to keep up with the volume of claims. In April, California waived(link is external) its biweekly requirement to certify unemployment eligibility, citing its online unemployment system's inability to handle a "historically high volume of claims." In Florida, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis also waived(link is external) the biweekly requirement. He waived work search requirements until May 9.

Last week, U.S. Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Austin, led Democrats in the state's congressional delegation in asking TWC to waive the mandatory biweekly certification requirement. Gamez declined to say if the commission is considering the request.

On Thursday, Doggett said the commission should work "harder to respond to those in need by removing bureaucratic barriers instead of creating new ones."

"TWC received significant federal funds on the condition that it temporarily suspend its work search requirement; it should not now so quickly or broadly reverse course," he said in a statement.

Referring to an outbreak of COVID-19 in meat plants in the state, Doggett said workers should not be denied unemployment benefits "because they refuse a workplace that exposes them to infection."

Gamez said TWC will generally side with employees over their employers when there is a refusal to return to work because of health concerns.

"If they're in a quarantine or they don't have child care…, we understand that a lot of people could be in that situation so they're going to be able to continue to receive those benefits unless there's some type of red flag," Gamez said.

Zwiener said she fears the work search requirement would shift TWC resources away from processing claims to investigating whether someone should continue to receive unemployment.