Austin American-Statesman: Doggett: What we now endure was largely preventable
Let's join in solidarity, compassion, and thoughtful actions to soften the blows of coronavirus. Working together to overcome this catastrophe requires understanding how we got here. Last year, the Trump administration conducted an important exercise to understand how our country would respond to a respiratory virus pandemic. The resulting October report showed the essential changes required to avoid the very kind of avoidable chaos we now witness.
In December, troubling virus reports emerged from Wuhan. In January, confidential intelligence reports—of the type which seem to typically bore Trump—exposed the lurking pandemic danger to America. Facts were ignored; a February 5 offer to seek emergency funds rejected, as Trump instead sought cutting Centers for Disease Control (CDC) funding and declared the virus no big deal—only a "Democratic hoax." What we now endure was largely preventable.
The giant credibility gap that Trump created with his lethal lie that anybody can get a "beautiful" test has only been compounded by the testing that remains unavailable. Our per-capita testing rate is only about one sixth that of South Korea. Without broad testing, we cannot adequately protect against a virus whose attack method is not fully understood.
In this vacuum, Mayor Adler's SXSW postponement shielded us from the untold loss of becoming a hot spot like New Orleans after Mardi Gras. Shuttering businesses, enduring layoffs, and remaining at home represent a poor substitute for the comprehensive testing that should have occurred, but remain essential. Going forward, we can only hunker down. People of all ages should reject the bizarre claim of Trump's Texas campaign chair, Dan Patrick, that advancing the economy requires sacrificing our grandparents.
Our initial congressional response ensured that necessary tests would be free to everyone and provided the funding Trump would not. But, even with that effort, many who want a test will not have access until mid-summer. Though it included many hard-won successes over administration resistance, the most recent $2 trillion legislation unfortunately yielded much to Republican senators. It encompasses multiple inequities, inadequate taxpayer bailout protections, and included none of the help for patients, which I sought. Ultimately, I reluctantly supported this flawed bill in order to urgently help small businesses stay afloat and sustain the newly unemployed.
Meanwhile, health care professionals lack the equipment to protect either themselves or us. Of 200 cities, 85% reported an inadequate ventilator supply; 91% reported an inadequate facemask supply. Only a month ago, the Trump Commerce Department was encouraging export of such equipment. With growing shortages, Trump tried shifting responsibility to governors to compete for limited supplies and has yet to fully utilize his existing authority to increase production.
Now, millions of Americans are predicted to contract COVID-19, with 100,000 to 200,000 U.S. deaths. Because so many will face substantial bills, insurance is important. With Texas having the most uninsured, I have been pushing to open Affordable Health Care enrollment. The newly unemployed already qualify to obtain such coverage, which often involves low or no cost premiums. Contact Foundation Communities at or 512-381-4520.
Our local public health officials and health care professionals have done an outstanding job. For a safer future, we must follow these doctors' advice, not politicians who doctor the truth.
Hard times lie ahead. We have no choice but to endure many more days homebound with businesses and schools closed. Our efforts to slow the spread of disease can prevent our hospitals from being overwhelmed. While our never-accept-responsibility president would clearly prefer a new epidemic of amnesia, we must not forget, but rather learn from his multiple failures and not be misled by his ongoing misrepresentations. We must all do our part. Encourage those working to protect us, assist those most vulnerable, and support small businesses still operating. And remember: stay six feet apart, or more Texans will be six feet under.
Doggett represents U.S. House District 35, which includes part of Austin.